

Application Interface functions

These API functions allow you to open, close and manipulate data in a TER window. These functions can be called as DLL APIs or as ActiveX control methods.

ClearAllTabs: Clear all tab stops
BOOL ClearAllTabs(hWnd,repaint)

ClearTab: Clear one tab stop
BOOL ClearTab(hWnd, TabPos, repaint)

CloseTer: Close a TER Window
BOOL CloseTer(hWnd,ForcedClose)

CreateTerWindow: Open a TER Window
BOOL CreateTerWindow(ptr)

GetTerBuffer: Retrieve Window Text
HANDLE GetTerBuffer(hWnd, size)

GetTerLine: Retrieve a text line
int GetTerLine(hWnd, LineNo, text, font)

DeselectTerText: Deselect previous selected text
BOOL DeselectTerText(hWnd, repaint)

GetFontInfo: Retrieve information about an editor font id
BOOL GetFontInfo(hWnd, FontId,typeface, PointSize, styles)

GetFontInfo2: Retrieve information about an editor font id
BOOL GetFontInfo2(hWnd, FontId,typeface, TwipsSize, styles)

GetTerCursorPos: Retrieve the current cursor position
BOOL GetTerCursorPos(hWnd, CurLine, CurCol)

GetTerFields: Retrieve Window Variables
BOOL GetTerFields(hWnd,field)

GetTerFieldsAlt: Retrieve window variables for a specified line number.
BOOL GetTerFieldsAlt(hWnd,field,LineNo)

HandleToStr: Convert a global memory handle to a Visual Basic string
BOOL HandleToStr(string, length, hMem)

HandleToStrInChunks: Extract a VB string from the global memory handle.
BOOL HandleToStrInChunks(string, length, hMem, ChunkPos, ChunkLen)

InsertRtfBuf: Insert a text buffer in the RTF format at the specified cursor location
BOOL InsertRtfBuf(hWnd, buffer, length,line, column, repaint)

InsertTerText: Insert a text buffer in the ASCII format at the current curson location
BOOL InsertTerText(hWnd, buffer,repaint)

LoadTerControl: Load the TER Edit Control DLL
BOOL LoadTerControl(void)

ParaHangingIndent: Increment or decrement the hanging indents
BOOL ParaHangingIndent(hWnd, indent, repaint)

ParaIndentTwips: Increment or decrement the paragraph indentation
BOOL ParaIndentTwips(hWnd,DeltaLeft, DeltaRight, DeltaFirst, repaint)

ParaLeftIndent: Increment or decrement the left indents
BOOL ParaLeftIndent(hWnd, indent,repaint)

ParaNormal: Reset paragraph properties
BOOL ParaNormal(hWnd, repaint)

ParaRightIndent: Increment or decrement the right indents
BOOL ParaRightIndent(hWnd, indent,repaint)

ReadTerFile : Load a file into the editor window
BOOL ReadTerFile(hWnd, FileName)

SaveTerFile: Save the editor text to disk
BOOL SaveTerFile(hWnd, FileName)

SelectTerText: Select text block
BOOL SelectTerText(hWnd, FirstLine,FirstCol, LastLine, LastCol, repaint)

SetTab: Set a tab position
BOOL SetTab(hWnd, TabType, TabPos, repaint)

SetTerBkColor: Set the background color for the text
BOOL SetTerBkColor(hWnd,color,repaint)

SetTerBuffer: Set Window Text
BOOL SetTerBuffer(hWnd, hBuffer, size,title, release)

SetTerCharStyle: Set or reset the character styles
BOOL SetTerCharStyle(hWnd, styles,OnOff, repaint)

SetTerColor: Set text color
BOOL SetTerColor(hWnd, COLORREFcolor, repaint)

SetTerCursorPos: Set the cursor position
BOOL SetTerCursorPos(hWnd, line,column, repaint)

SetTerDefaultFont: Set the default font and pointsize
BOOL SetTerDefaultFont(hWnd, typeface,PointSize, style, color, repaint)

SetTerFields: Set Window Variables
BOOL SetTerFields(hWnd,field)

SetTerFont: Set font typeface for the text
BOOL SetTerFont(hWnd, typeface, repaint)

SetTerLine: Set the text and font ids for a line
BOOL SetTerLine(hWnd, LineNo, text,font)

SetTerParaFmt: Set paragraph styles
BOOL SetTerParaFmt(hWnd, styles,repaint)

SetTerPointSize: Set font pointsize for the text
BOOL SetTerPointSize(hWnd, pointsize,repaint)

StrToHandle: Convert a Visual Basic string to a global memory handle
HANDLE StrToHandle(string, length)

StrToHandleInChunks: Build a global memory buffer from the VB string chunks
HANDLE StrToHandleInChunks(string, length, hMem, ChunkPos, ChunkLen)

TerAbsToRowCol: Convert the given character position to the row and column position
void TerAbsToRowCol(hWnd, abs,row, col)

TerAdjustHtmlTable: Adjust the HTML table width.
BOOL TerAdjustHtmlTable(hWnd)

TerAnd: Return bitwise 'AND' value of two variables.
int TerAnd(var1,var2)

TerAppendText: Append specified text at the end of the buffer
BOOL TerAppendText(hWnd, text,FontId, ParaId, repaint)

TerAppendTextEx: Append specified text at the end of the buffer (enchanced version)
BOOL TerAppendTextEx(hWnd, text, FontId, ParaId, CellId, reserved, repaint)

TerChangeField: Change the value for a data field.
BOOL TerChangeField(hWnd, name, data, repaint)

TerCellBorder: Set the borders for the table cells
BOOL TerCellBorder(hWnd, select,TopWidth, BotWidth, LeftWidth,RightWidth,repaint)

TerCellBorderColor: Set the borders color for the table cells
BOOL TerCellBorderColor(hWnd, select,Top,bot,left,right,repaint)

TerCellColor: Set the cell background color
BOOL TerCellColor(hWnd, select, color, repaint)

TerCellShading: Set the shading percentage for the table cells
BOOL TerCellShading(hWnd, select, percent, repaint)

TerCellVertAlign: Set the vertical alignment for the text inside a table cell.
BOOL TerCellVertAlign(hWnd, select, align, repaint)

TerCellWidth: Set the cell width and cell margin.
BOOL TerCellWidth(hWnd, select, width, margin, repaint)

TerClosePrinter: Close the printer driver.
BOOL TerClosePrinter()

TerColBreak: Create a column break
BOOL TerColBreak(hWnd,repaint)

TerCommand: Execute a TER menu command
BOOL TerCommand(hWnd, CommandId)

TerCommand2: Execute a TER menu command
BOOL TerCommand2(hWnd, CommandId,send)

TerCreateBulletId: Create a paragraph bullet/numbering id.
int TerCreateBulletId(hWnd, IsBullet, start, level, type)

TerCreateBulletId2: Create a paragraph bullet/numbering id.
int TerCreateBulletId2(hWnd, IsBullet, start, level, type, TextBef, TextAft)

TerCreateCellId: Create a cell id
int TerCreateCellId(hWnd, NewRow, PrevCell, RowAlign, RowPos, RowMinHeight, CellWidth, shading, LeftWidth, RightWidth, TopWidth, BotWidth, RowSpan, ColSpan, flags)

TerCreateFirstHdrFtr: Create a first page header or footer area.
BOOL TerCreateFirstHdrFtr(hWnd, HdrFtr)

TerCreateFont: Create a font id
BOOLTerCreateFont(hWnd, ReuseId, shared, typeface,pointsize,
style, color ,BkColor, FieldId, AuxId)

TerCreateFont2: Create a font id
BOOLTerCreateFont2(hWnd, ReuseId, shared, typeface,pointsize,
style, color ,BkColor, FieldId, AuxId,CharStyId, ParaStyId, expand)

dt>TerCreateListBullet: Create a bullet id using the list mechanism.

int TerCreateListBullet(hWnd, ListOr, Level, repaint)

dt>TerCreateOcxObject2: Embed an Active X control in the document.

int TerCreateOcxObject2(hWnd, ProgId, width, height)

TerCreateParaFrameId: Create a paragraph frame id without inserting it in the document.
int TerCreateParaFrameId(hWnd, x, y, width, height)

TerCreateParaId: Create a paragraph id
int TerCreateParaId(hWnd, ReuseId, shared, LeftIndent, RightIndent, FirstIndent, TabId, CellId, AuxId, Shading,FrameId, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter, SpaceBetween, flags)

TerCreateParaIdEx: Create a paragraph id
int TerCreateParaIdEx(hWnd, ReuseId, shared, LeftIndent, RightIndent,
FirstIndent, TabId, StyleId, AuxId, Shading, pflags, SpaceBefore,
SpaceAfter, SpaceBetween, flags, BltId, BkColor)

TerCreateTabId: Create a tab id.
int TerCreateTabId(hWnd, pTabInfo)

TerCreateTable : Create a text table
BOOL TerCreateTable(hWnd, row, col,repaint)

TerCreateWindowAlt: Alternate method of creating a TER window.
HWND TerCreateWindowAlt(x, y, width, height, IsContained, hParentWnd, styles)

TerDataVersion: Get the version of the data structures used for the TER DLL interface
int TerDataVersion(void)

TerDeleteBlock: Delete a highlighted text block
BOOL TerDeleteBlock(hWnd, repaint)

TerDeleteBookmark: Delet a bookmark.
BOOL TerDeleteBookmark(hWnd, name)

TerDeleteCells: Delete table cells.
BOOL TerDeleteCells(hWnd, select, repaint)

TerDeleteField: Delete the data field at the current cursor position.
BOOL TerDeleteField(hWnd, repaint)

TerDeleteFirstHdrFtr: Delete a first page header or footer area.
BOOL TerDeleteFirstHdrFtr(hWnd, HdrFtr, msg)

TerDeleteHdrFtr: Delete a page header or footer area.
BOOL TerDeleteHdrFtr(hWnd, HdrFtr, msg)

TerDeleteHypertext: Delete the hypertext phrase and the associated hidden text.
BOOL TerDeleteHypertext(hWnd, LineNo, ColNo, repaint)

TerDeleteObject: Delete a font, picture or an ole object id.
BOOL TerDeleteObject(hWnd, id)

TerDeleteStyle: Delete a stylesheet item.
BOOL TerDeleteStyle(hWnd, StyleId, name)

TerDocName: Set or retrieve the current document name.
BOOL TerDocName(hWnd, get, name)

TerEditList: Create or edit a list table item.
BOOL TerEditList(hWnd, NewList, ListId, PropDialog, ListName, nested, flags)

TerEditListLevel: Edit the level properties for a list or a list-override item.
BOOL TerEditListLevel(hWnd, IsList, id, level StartAt, NumType, CharAft,
ListText, FontId, flags)

TerEditListOr: Create or edit a list-override item.
BOOL TerEditListOr(hWnd, NewListOr, ListOrId, PropDialog, ListId,
OverrideLevels, flags)

TerEditStyle: Create or edit a stylesheet style item.
BOOL TerEditStyle(hWnd, BeginRecording, name, new, type, repaint)

TerEditTooltip: Specify a new tooltip text.
BOOL TerEditTooltip(hWnd, id, tooltip)

TerEnableRefresh: Enable or disable screen refresh
BOOL TerEnableRefresh(hWnd,enable)

TerEnableSpeedKey: Enable or disable a speed key
BOOL TerEnableSpeedKey(hWnd,CommandId, enable)

TerEngageCaret: Engage the caret manually.
int TerEngageCaret(hWnd, BeginRecording, AtCursorLoc)

TerFileToMem: A utility function to read a file into a global memory block.
HGLOBAL TerFileToMem(FileName, size)

TerFlushUndo: Flush undo/redo buffer.
BOOL TerFlushUndo(hWnd)

TerFindHlinkField: Locate the next hyperlink field.
BOOL TerFindHlinkField(hWnd, CodePart1, CodePart2, pLine, pCol)

TerGetAppMemory: Retrieve the application memory block
LPVOID TerGetAppMemory(hWnd)

TerGetBookmark: Retrieve a bookmark name.
int TerGetBookmark(hWnd, index, name)

TerGetBufferDC: Get the handle of the buffer device context.
HDC TerGetBufferDC(hWnd)

TerGetBulletInfo: Get the paragraph bullet/numbering information
int TerGetBulletInfo(hWnd, QueryType, id, set, IsBullet, start, level, type)

TerGetBulletInfo2: Get the paragraph bullet/numbering information
int TerGetBulletInfo2(hWnd, QueryType, id, IsBullet, start, level, type,
ListOrId, flags)

TerGetCaretPos: Get the current text insertion position.
long TerGetCaretPos(hWnd)

TerGetCellBorderColor: Retrieve the border for a specific cell id.
long TerGetCellBorderColor(hWnd, CellId, pLeft, pRight, pTop, pBottom)

TerGetCellBorderWidth: Retrieve the border width about a specific cell id.
int TerGetCellBorderWidth(hWnd, CellId, pLeft, pRight, pTop, pBottom)

TerGetCellInfo: Retrieve the information about a specific cell id.
int TerGetCellInfo(hWnd, CellId, TableRow,PrevCell, NextCell,width, border, shading, RowSpan, ColSpan, flags)

TerGetCheckboxInfo: Retrieve the information for a checkbox input field.
int TerGetCheckboxInfo(hWnd, id, checked)

TerGetContolId: Retrieve the control id for a picture id
int TerGetControlId(hWnd, PictId)

TerGetCurFont: Retrieve the font id at the given location
int TerGetCurFont(hWnd, LineNo, ColNo)

TerGetDispPageNo: Get the display page number corresponding to an actual page number.
int TerGetDispPageNo(hWnd, PageNo)

TerGetDrawObjectInfo: Retrieve information about a drawing object.
BOOL TerGetDrawObjectInfo(hWnd, FrameId, width, height, LineWidth, LineColor, FillColor, flags)

TerGetEffectiveFont: Retrieve the font id effective at the current cursor position
int TerGetEffectiveFont(hWnd)

TerGetField: Retrieve the text for a field name or field data.
long TerGetField(hWnd, LineNo, ColNo, type, text)

TerGetFontAux1Id: Retrieve the Aux1Id, id associated with a Font id
int TerGetFontAux1Id(hWnd, FontId)

TerGetFontLang: Retrieve the language id for a font id
int TerGetFontLang(hWnd, FontId)

TerGetFontFieldId: Retrieve the field id associated with the given font id.
int TerGetFontFieldId(hWnd, FontId)

TerGetFontSpace: Retrieve the character spacing for a font id.
BOOL TerGetFontSpace(hWnd, FontId)

TerGetFontStyleId: Retrieve the character style id associated with a Font id
int TerGetFontStyleId(hWnd, FontId)

TerGetFrameSize: Retrieve the location and size of the frame
BOOL TerGetFrameSize(hwnd, FrameId, x, y, width, height)



Retrieve the hypertext information at the cursor position
BOOL TerGetHypertextEx(hWnd, text, code, select)
BOOL TerGetHypertext2(hWnd, LineNo, ColNo, text, code, select)

TerGetInputFieldInfo: Retrieve the common input field information.
BOOL TerGetInputFieldInfo(hWnd, id, name,type,border)

TerGetLastMessage: Get the last message
int TerGetLastMessage(TerMessage, DebugMessage)

Retrieve a text line
int TerGetLine(hWnd, LineNo, text, font)
int TerGetLineEx(hWnd, LineNo, text, lead, font)

TerGetLineInfo: Get the current line attributes
BOOL TerGetLineInfo(hWnd, LineNo, ParaId, CellId, ParaFID, x, y, height, lflags, InfoFlags)

TerGetListInfo: Retrieve information for a list id.
BOOL TerGetListInfo(hWnd, ListId, ListName, LevelCount, flags)

TerGetListInfo2: Retrieve information for a list id.
BOOL TerGetListInfo2(hWnd, ListId, ListName, LevelCount, flags, RtfId,

TerGetListLevelInfo: Retrieve the level properties for a list or a list-override item.
BOOL TerGetListLevelInfo(hWnd, IsList, id, level, StartAt, NumType,CharAft,
ListText, FontId)

TerGetListOrInfo: Retrieve information for a list override id.
BOOL TerGetListOrInfo(hWnd, ListOrId, ListId, LevelCount, flags)

TerGetMarginEx: Retrieve the margin values for a section in the document.
int TerGetMarginEx(hWnd, sect, left, right, top, bottom, header, footer)

TerGetOcxObject: Retrieve an Active X object reference.
int TerGetOcxObject(ObjectId)

TerGetOlePtr: Get OLE object pointers.
int TerGetOlePtr(hWnd, pWidth, pHeight)

TerGetPageBorderDim: Return the page border dimensions.
long TerGetPageBorderDim(hWnd,pWidth, pHeight)

TerGetPageCount: Get the page count and the current page number.
long TerGetPageCount(hWnd, TotalPages, CurPage)

TerGetPageFirstLine: Return the first line number of the specified page
long TerGetPageFirstLine(hWnd,PageNum)

TerGetPagePos: Get the current page number and the display offset
BOOL TerGetPagePos(hWnd, page, y)

TerGetPageSect: Return the section number for a page
int TerGetPageSect(hWnd, PageNum)

Get the page orientation and dimensions.
int TerGetPageOrient(hWnd, PageNum)
int TerGetPageOrientEx(hWnd, PageNum, pWidth, pHeight)
int TerGetPageOrient2(hWnd, PageNum, pWidth, pHeight, pHiddenX, pHiddenY)

Get paragraph attributes.
BOOL TerGetParaInfo(hWnd, LineNo, LeftIndent, RightIndent, FirstIndent,
TabId, StyleId, AuxId, Shading, pflags, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter,
SpaceBetween, flags)
BOOL TerGetParaInfo2(hWnd, LineNo, LeftIndent, RightIndent, FirstIndent,
TabId, StyleId, AuxId, Shading, pflags, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter,
SpaceBetween, flags, Aux1Id, BkColor)
BOOL TerGetParaInfo3(hWnd, LineNo, IsStyleItem, LeftIndent, RightIndent,
FirstIndent, TabId, StyleId, AuxId, Shading, pflags, SpaceBefore,
SpaceAfter, SpaceBetween, flags, Aux1Id, BkColor)
BOOL TerGetParaInfo4(hWnd, LineNo, IsStyleItem, LeftIndent, RightIndent,
FirstIndent, TabId, StyleId, AuxId, Shading, pflags, SpaceBefore,
SpaceAfter, SpaceBetween, flags, Aux1Id, BkColor, LineSpacing)

TerGetParam: Retrieve miscellaneous operating variables.
int TerGetParam(hWnd, type)

TerGetPictInfo: Retrieve assorted information for a picture type object
BOOL TerGetPictInfo(hWnd, pict, style, rect, align, aux)

TerGetPictOffset: Retrieve the offset value for picture placement.
BOOL TerGetPictOffset(hWnd, pict)

TerGetReadOnly: Retrieve the current Read Only status
BOOL TerGetReadOnly(hWnd)

TerGetRowInfo: Retrieve information about a table row id.
BOOL TerGetRowInfo(hWnd, RowId, height, MinHeight, FixWidth, PrevRow,
NextRow, indent, flags, border, CurWidth)

TerGetRtfDocInfo: Retrieve the header information about the document.
int TerGetRtfDocInfo(hWnd, type, text)

TerGetRtfSel: Retrieve the selected text in the RTF format
HANDLE TerGetRtfSel(hWnd, size)

TerGetSectInfo: Retrieve the current section parameters.
BOOL TerGetSectInfo(hWnd, NumCols, ColSpace, NewPage, FirstPageNo)

TerGetSelection: Get the beginning and ending positions for a selected text block.
BOOL TerGetSelection(hWnd,FirstLine, FirstCol, EndLine, EndCol)

TerGetSeqSect: Translate a section id into the sequential number.
int TerGetSeqSect(hWnd, SectId)

TerGetStyleId: Translate a stylesheet style name to style id.
int TerGetStyleId(hWnd, name)

TerGetStyleInfo: Retrieve infromation for a style item id.
int TerGetStyleInfo(hWnd,id, name, type)

TerGetTableId: Retrieve the table id.
int TerGetTableId(hWnd, row)

TerGetTableLevel: Get the nested table level.
int TerGetTableLevel(hWnd, LineNo)

Get the current table position.
int TerGetTablePos(hWnd,TableNo, RowNo, ColNo)
int TerGetTablePos2(hWnd, TableNo, RowNo, ColNo, ParentCell)

Return the parameters for a tab stop and the number of tab stop for a line.
int TerGetTabStop(hWnd, lineNo, TabNo, pPos, pType, pFlag)
int TerGetTabStop2(hWnd, type, LineNo, TabNo, pPos, pType, pFlag)

TerGetTag: Retrieve the tag at the specified text position
int TerGetTag(hWnd, line, col, name, AuxText, AuxInt, flags)

TerGetTagEx: Retrieve the tag at the specified text position
int TerGetTagEx(hWnd, line, col,type, name, AuxText, AuxInt, flags)

TerGetTextColor: Get the foreground and background colors for the specified font id
BOOL TerGetTextColor(hWnd, FontId, TextColor, TextBkColor)

TerGetTextFieldInfo: Retrieve the information for a textbox input field.
BOOL TerGetTextFieldInfo(hWnd, id, data, MaxChars, width, typeface, TwipsSize, Style)

TerGetTextSel: Retrieve the selected text
HANDLE TerGetTextSel(hWnd, size)

TerGetVbxCallback: Retrieve a VBX callback process if set
VBX_CALLBACK TerGetVbxCallback(hWnd)

TerGetVisibleCol: Get the visible column number from a text column number.
long TerGetVisibleCol(hWnd, LineNo, ColNo)

TerGetWordCount: Count number of words in the document.
long TerGetWordCount(hWnd, flags)

TerHideToolbarIcon: Hide or redisplay a toolbar icon.
long TerHideToolbarIcon(hWnd, hide)

TerHtmlCellWidthFlag: Set the cell width flag when using the HTML add-on
BOOL TerHtmlCellWidthFlag(hWnd, select, flag, repaint)

TerIgnoreCommand: Ignore the current preprocess command.
BOOL TerIgnoreCommand(hWnd)

TerInsertBookmark: Insert a bookmark.
int TerInsertBookmark(hWnd, line, col, name)

TerInsertCheckBoxField: Insert a checkbox field at the cursor position.
int TerInsertCheckBoxField(hWnd,name,twipsize,checked,repaint)

TerInsertControl: Insert another control inside the TER control
int TerInsertControl(hWnd, class, style, width, height, align, id,insert)

TerInsertDateTime: Insert a date/time field.
BOOL TerInsertDateTime(hWnd,format, repaint)

TerInsertDrawObject: Insert a drawing object
int TerInsertDrawObject(hWnd, type, x, y, width, height)

TerInsertField: Insert a data field.
BOOL TerInsertField(hWnd, name, data, repaint)

Insert a footnote.
int TerInsertFootnote(hWnd, FnMarker,FnText, style, repaint)
int TerInsertFootnote2(hWnd, FnMarker, FnText, style, IsFootnote, repaint)

TerInsertHyperlink: Insert hyperlink.
BOOL TerInsertHyperlink(hWnd, text, code, PictId, repaint)

TerInsertLine: Insert a line of text before the current line
BOOL TerInsertLine(hWnd, text, FontId, ParaId, cellId, reserved, repaint)

TerInsertLineObject: Insert a line object.
int TerInsertLineObject(hWnd, x1, y1, x2, y2)

TerInsertObjectId: Insert an object into text
BOOL TerInsertObjectId(hWnd, ObjectId, repaint)

TerInsertOleFile: Insert a file as an OLE object
BOOL TerInsertOleFile(hWnd, FileName, embed, icon, line, col)

TerInsertOleObject: Insert an OLE object into text.
int TerInsertOleObject(hWnd, ProgName)

TerInsertParaFrame: Insert a paragraph frame
int TerInsertParaFrame(hWnd, x, y, width, height,boxed)

TerInsertPictureFile: Embed or link a bitmap or metafile from a disk file
BOOL TerInsertPictureFile(hWnd, FileName, embed, align, insert)

TerInsertPictureFileXY: Embed or link a bitmap or a metafile from a disk file
BOOL TerInsertPictureFileXY(hWnd, FileName, embed, align, insert, x, y)

TerInsertRtfFile: Insert an RTF file at the specified cursor location.
BOOL TerInsertRtfFile(hWnd, FileName, line, column, repaint)

TerInsertTableCol: Insert or append a table column
BOOL TerInsertTableCol(hWnd, insert, AllRows, repaint)

TerInsertTableRow: Insert or append a table row
BOOL TerInsertTableRow(hWnd, insert, repaint)

TerInsertText: Insert text at the cursor position
BOOL TerInsertText(hWnd, text, FontId, ParaId, repaint)

TerInsertTextInputField: Insert a text input field at the cursor position.
int TerInsertTextInputField(hWnd,name,InitText,MaxLen,border,typeface,twipsize,style,color,repaint)

TerInsertToc: Insert table of contents.
BOOL TerInsertToc(hWnd,repaint)

TerIsModified: Check if the editor data needs saving.
BOOL TerIsModified(hWnd)

TerIsPrinting: Check if the editor is printing a document.
BOOL TerIsPrinting(hWnd)

TerLineSelected: Check if a text line is selected in the highlighted block of text.
BOOL TerLineSelected(hWnd, LineNo)

TerLocateField: Locate a data field.
BOOL TerLocateField(hWnd, location, name, exact, repaint)

TerLocateFieldChar: Locate the character with the given field id.
BOOL TerLocateFieldChar(hWnd, FieldId, FielCode, StartLine, present,
StartCol, foward)

TerLocateFontId: Locate a font id in the document.
BOOL TerLocateFontId(hWnd,FontId,line,col)

TerLocateInputField: Locate an input field in the document.
int TerLocateInputField(hWnd,location,repaint)

TerLocateStyle: Locate text with the given character style
BOOL TerLocateStyle(hWnd,style,StartLine, StartCol, StringLen)

TerLocateStyleChar: Locate the character with the given style
BOOL TerLocateStyleChar(hWnd,style,StartLine, present,StartCol, StringLen, forward)

TerLparam2String: Copy text from lParam pointer to the given string.
BOOL TerLparam2String(lParam, text)

TerMakeMbcs: Build a MBCS string from lead and tail bytes.
int TerMakeMbcs(string, tail, lead, length)

TerMbcsChar: Retrieve a character from an MBCS string.
WORD TerMbcsChar(string, pos)

TerMbcsLen: Get the length of an MBCS string.
long TerMbcsLen(string)

Get menu item 'enable' status.
UINT TerMenuEnable(hWnd, MenuId)
BOOL TerMenuEnable2(hWnd, MenuId)

Get menu item selection status.
UINT TerMenuSelect(hWnd, MenuId)
BOOL TerMenuSelect2(hWnd, MenuId)

TerMergeFields: Replace field names with field data strings
BOOL TerMergeFields(hWnd,names,data,repaint)

TerMergePrint: Print a document without invoking the editing session
BOOL TerMergePrint(prt)

Print a document without invoking an editor window (alternate function)
long TerMergePrintRep(hDC, file, hBuf, BufLen, rect, MergeFields, MergeData,
long TerMergePrintRep2(hDC, file, hBuf, BufLen, rect, MergeFields,
MergeData, StartPos, NextY, hAttribDC)

TerMergePrintVB: Print a document without invoking the editing session in a Visual Basic application.
BOOL TerMergePrintVB(prt, PrtRect, MergeFields, MergeData)

TerMoveParaFrame: Move or resize the current paragraph frame or the drawing object
BOOL TerMoveParaFrame(hWnd, ParaFID, x, y, width, height)

TerNormalizeBlock: Normalize selected text block
BOOL TerNormalizeBlock(hWnd)

TerOr: Return bitwise 'OR' value of two variables
int TerOr(var1,var2)

TerOverridePageSize: Override the document page size.
BOOL TerOverridePageSize(width, height)

TerOverrideStyles: Override the control creation flags
DWORD TerOverrideStyles(TerStyles)

TerPageBreak: Create a hard page break
BOOL TerPageBreak(hWnd,repaint)

TerPageFromLine: Retrieve the page number containing the given line.
int TerPageFromLine(hWnd, LineNo)

TerPastePicture: Paste a picture from the buffer or clipboard
int TerPastePicture(hWnd, format, hData, ParaFrameId, align, insert)

TerPictLinkName: Set or retrieve the link file name for a picture
BOOL TerPictLinkName(hWnd, id, get, FileName)

TerPictureFromFile: Paste a picture from a disk bitmap file
BOOL TerPictureFromFile(hWnd, FileName, align, insert)

TerPictureFromWmf: Paste a picture from a Windows metafile file
BOOL TerPictureFromWmf(hWnd, FileName, align, insert)

TerPixToTextPos: Retrieve the text position at a given pixel position
BOOL TerPixToTextPos(hWnd, RelativeTo, x, y, pLine, pCol)

TerPosAfterTable: Position after the current table.
BOOL TerPosAfterTable(hWnd, OuterMost, repaint)

TerPosBodyText: Position the cursor at the body text outside of header or footer text
BOOL TerPosBodyText(hWnd, section, pos, repaint)

TerPosBookmark: Position at a bookmark.
BOOL TerPosBookmark(hWnd, name, repaint)

TerPosFrame: Position the cursor in a frame or drawing object
BOOL TerPosFrame(hWnd, FrameNo, pos, repaint)

TerPosHdrFtr: Position the cursor at the header or footer text
BOOL TerPosHdrFtr(hWnd, section, header, pos, repaint)

TerPosLineAtTop: Position the specified line at the top or middle of the window
BOOL TerPosLineAtTop (hWnd, LineNo,WinTop)

TerPosPage: Position at the specified page number
BOOL TerPosPage(hWnd, NewPage)

Position the cursor at a table cell.
BOOL TerPosTable (hWnd, TableNo, RowNo, ColNo, pos, repaint)
BOOL TerPosTable2(hWnd, TableNo, RowNo, ColNo, pos, ParentCell, repaint)
BOOL TerPosTable3(hWnd, TableId, RowNo, ColNo, pos, repaint)

Position the cursor at the specified tag position.
BOOL TerPosTag(hWnd, TagId, name, scope, repaint)
BOOL TerPosTagEx(hWnd, type,TagId, name, scope, repaint)

Print the current document
BOOL TerPrint(hWnd,dialog)
BOOL TerPrintEx(hWnd, dialog, FirstPage, LastPage)
BOOL TerPrint2(hWnd, dialog, FirstPage, LastPage, Copies, Colate)

TerPrintPreview: Preview the specified page in the current document
BOOL TerPrintPreview(hWnd, hDC, rect, page,scale)

TerQueryExit: Check if it is OK to close a TE window.
BOOL TerQueryExit(hWnd)

TerRecreateToolbar: Recreate the toolbar.
BOOL TerRecreateToolbar(hWnd, show)

TerRegisterMsgCallback: Register a message callback process
BOOL TerRegisterMsgCallback(hWnd, MsgCallback)

TerRegisterPrintCallback: Register a callback for the TerMergePrint function.
BOOL TerRegisterPrintCallback(PrintCallback)

TerRegisterVbxCallback: Register a VBX callback process
BOOL TerRegisterVbxCallback(hWnd,VbxCallback)

TerRepaginate: Repaginate the document
int TerRepaginate(hwnd, repaint)

TerRepaint: Repaint the TER control
BOOL TerRepaint(hWnd,ClearBackground)

TerResetLastMessage: Reset the last editor message
BOOL TerResetLastMessage( )

TerRewrap: Word wrap the entire document on demand
int TerRewrap(hWnd)

TerRotateFrameText: Rotate the text within a frame or a text box.
int TerRotateFrameText(hWnd, dialog, LineNo, direction, repaint)

TerRowColToAbs: Convert the given line/row position to the character position
long TerRowColToAbs(hWnd, row, col)

TerRowHeight: Set the minimum table row height
BOOL TerRowHeight (hWnd, MinHeight, AllRows, refresh)

Position a table row
BOOL TerRowPosition(hWnd, JustFlag, AllRows, refresh)
BOOL TerRowPositionEx(hWnd, JustFlag, indent, AllRows, refresh)

TerScrLineHeight: Return the line height in screen pixels
BOOL TerScrLineHeight(hWnd, line)

TerScrToTwipsx: Translate screen x position to margin relative x position.
BOOL TerScrToTwipsx(hWnd, ScrX, MargX)

TerScrToTwipsY: Translate screen y position to page relative y position.
BOOL TerScrToTwipsY(hWnd, ScrY, MargY)

Search, replace or retrieve text.
BOOL TerSearchReplace(hWnd, search, replace, flags, StartPos, EndPos,
Int TerSearchReplace2(hWnd, search, replace, flags, StartPos, EndPos)

TerSearchReplaceU: Search, replace or retrieve Unicode text.
BOOL TerSearchReplaceU(hWnd, pSearch, pReplace, flags, StartPos, EndPos,

TerSectBreak: Create a new section
BOOL TerSectBreak(hWnd,repaint)

TerSelectCharStyle: Apply a character stylesheet item
BOOL TerSelectCharStyle(hWnd, StyleId, repaint)

TerSelectCol: Select the current table column.
BOOL TerSelectCol(hWnd, repaint)

TerSelectParaStyle: Apply a paragraph stylesheet item
BOOL TerSelectParaStyle(hWnd, StyleId, repaint)

TerSelectPrint: Print the selected text
BOOL TerSelectPrint(hWnd)

TerSelectRow: Select the current table row.
BOOL TerSelectRow(hWnd, repaint)

TerSetAccelHandle: Set a custom accelerator table handle for the editor to use.
BOOL TerSetAccelHandle(hWnd, hAcc)

TerSetAppMemory: Reserve a memory block for your applications use
BOOL TerSetAppMemory(hWnd, size)

TerSetBkPictId: Set the background picture
BOOL TerSetBkPictId(hWnd, PictId,PictFlag, repaint)

TerSetBorderColor: Set the color of the border area around the text window
BOOL TerSetBorderColor(hWnd, color)

TerSetBullet: Set the paragraph bullet property
BOOL TerSetBullet(hWnd, set, repaint)

TerSetBulletEx: Set the paragraph bullet/numbering property
BOOL TerSetBulletEx(hWnd, set, IsBullet, start, level, type, repaint)

TerSetBullet2: Set the paragraph bullet/numbering property
BOOL TerSetBullet2(hWnd, set, IsBullet, start, level, type,TextBef,TextAft repaint)

TerSetBulletId: Assign a bullet id to a paragraph id
BOOL TerSetBulletId(hWnd, BulletId, ParaId)

TerSetCaretPos:Set the current caret position.
BOOL TerSetCaretPos(hWnd, CaretPos)

TerSetCellInfo2:Set additional information for a cell id.
BOOL TerSetCellInfo2(hWnd, CellId, BackColor, margin, ParentCell)

TerSetCharAuxId: Set the character auxiliary id
BOOL TerSetCharAuxId(hWnd, AuxId, repaint)

TerSetCharLang: Set new language id for the selected text
BOOL TerSetCharLang(hWnd, lang, repaint)

TerSetCharSet: Override the character set for font creation
BOOL TerSetCharSet(hWnd, NewCharSet)

TerSetCharSpace: Adjust the character spacing.
BOOL TerSetCharSpace(hWnd, dialog, delta, repaint)

TerSetCheckboxInfo: Set the information for a checkbox input field.
BOOL TerSetCheckboxInfo(hWnd, id, checked)

TerSetDocTextFlow: Set the right-to-left/left-to-right text flow option for the document.
BOOL TerSetDocTextFlow(hWnd, id, checked)

TerSetDefDir: Set the default directory and file type.
BOOL TerSetDefDir(hWnd, dir,type)

TerSetDefLang: Set the default language id for the document.
BOOL TerSetDefLang(hWnd,lang)

TerSetDefPrinter: Set the default printer for the editor
BOOL TerSetDefPrinter(name, driver, port)

TerSetDefTabWidth: Set default tab width
int TerSetDefTabWidth(hWnd, NewWidth, repaint)

TerSetDefTextColor: Set default text foreground color
BOOL TerSetDefTextColor(hWnd, ForeColor, repaint)

TerSetFlags: Set certain flags or retrieve the values of the flags
DWORD TerSetFlags(hWnd, set, flags)

TerSetFlags2: Set additional flags or retrieve the values of the flags.
DWORD TerSetFlags2(hWnd,set,flags)

TerSetFlags3: Set additional flags or retrieve the values of the flags.
DWORD TerSetFlags3(hWnd,set,flags)

TerSetFlags4: Set additional flags or retrieve the values of the flags.
DWORD TerSetFlags4(hWnd,set,flags)

TerSetFocus: Set the focus cursor.
BOOL TerSetFocus(hWnd)

TerSetFontId: Set the object id for the next object to be inserted
BOOL TerSetFontId(hWnd, int NextId)

TerSetFontSpace: Adjust the character spacing for a font id.
BOOL TerSetFontSpace(hWnd, FontId, delta, repaint)

TerSetFontStyleId: Set the style id for a font id.
BOOL TerSetFontStyleId(hWnd, FontId, CharStyleId, ParaStyleId)

TerSetFrameMarginDist: Set the frame margin distance.
BOOL TerSetFrameMarginDist(hWnd, dist)

TerSetHdrRow: Set the header row for a table.
BOOL TerSetHdrRow(hWnd, CellId, set, repaint)

TerSetInitTypeface: Set the initial font typeface.
BOOL TerSetInitTypeface(typeface)

TerSetInputFieldInfo: Set the common input field information.
BOOL TerSetInputFieldInfo(hWnd, id, name, border)

Set the text and font ids for a line
BOOL TerSetLine(hWnd, LineNo, text, font)
BOOL TerSetLineEx(hWnd, LineNo, text, lead, font)

Set the margin values for the sections in the document
BOOL TerSetMargin(hWnd,left,right,top,bottom,repaint)
BOOL TerSetMarginEx(hWnd, sect,left,right,top,bottom,header, footer,repaint)

TerSetModify: Set or reset the modification flag
BOOL TerSetModify(hWnd,modify)

TerSetNewFrameDim: Set the default dimensions for a new frame.
BOOL TerSetNewFrameDim(hWnd, x, y, width, height, PageTop)

TerSetNextFontAux1Id: Set the next font Aux1Id to be used by the TerCreateFont function.
BOOL TerSetNextFontAux1Id(hWnd, Aux1Id)

Set the drawing object attributes
BOOL TerSetObjectAttrib(hWnd,ObjectId,LineType, LineThickness, LineColor,
FillSolid, FillColor)
BOOL TerSetObjectAttrib2(hWnd, ObjectId, LineType, LineThickness, LineColor,
FillSolid, FillColor, ZOrder)

TerSetOcxIntProp: Set an integer property for an embedded ActiveX control.
BOOL TerSetOcxIntProp(hWnd, ObjectId, PropName, PropValue)

TerSetOcxTextProp: Set text property for an embedded ActiveX control.
BOOL TerSetOcxTextProp(hWnd, ObjectId, PropName, PropString)

TerSetOutputFormat: Set the format of the output data
BOOL TerSetOutputFormat(hWnd,format)

TerSetPagePos: Position at the specified page number and at the specified display offset with the page
BOOL TerSetPagePos(hWnd, page, y)

TerSetParaAuxId: Set the Auxiliary id for the paragraph
BOOL TerSetParaAuxId(hWnd, FirstLine, LastLine, AuxId)

TerSetParaBkColor: Set the background color for the paragraph
BOOL TerSetParaBkColor(hWnd, dialog, color, repaint)

TerSetParaId: Set the paragraph id for the paragraph
BOOL TerSetParaId(hWnd, FirstLine, LastLine, ParaId)

TerSetParaList: Set list numbering for the paragraph.
BOOL TerSetParaList(hWnd, dialog, ParaId, ListOr, level, repaint)

TerSetParaShading: Set the shading value for the current paragraph
BOOL TerSetParaShading(hWnd, shading, refresh)

TerSetParaTextFlow: Set the right-to-left/left-to-right text flow option for the paragraph.
BOOL TerSetParaTextFlow(hWnd, dialog, TextFlow, refresh)

TerSetPaper: Set paper size and orientation
BOOL TerSetPaper(hWnd, size, orient, refresh)

TerSetPaperEx: Set custom paper size and orientation
BOOL TerSetPaperEx(hWnd, size, width, length, orient, refresh)

TerSetParaIndent: Set the paragraph indentation.
BOOL TerSetParaIndent(hWnd, left, right, first, repaint)

TerSetParaSpacing: Set the spacing parameters for the current paragraph
BOOL TerSetParaSpacing(hWnd,SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter, SpaceBetween, refresh)

SetTerPflags: Set additional paragraph flags
BOOL TerSetPflags(hWnd, flags, repaint)

TerSetPictFrame2: Set a floating frame for a picture.
BOOL TerSetPictFrame(hWnd, pict, type, x, y, repaint)

TerSetPictInfo: Set assorted information for a picture type object
BOOL TerSetPictInfo(hWnd, pict, style,align, aux)

TerSetPictOffset: Set the offset from the baseline to place the picture in the text.
BOOL TerSetPictOffset(hWnd, pict, offset, repaint)

TerSetPictSize: Set width and height for a picture type object
BOOL TerSetPictSize(hWnd, pict, width, height)

TerSetPreview: Set preview parameters
BOOL TerSetPreview(hWnd, NumPages, ZoomPct, ShowToolbar)

TerSetPrinter: Set new printer selection information
BOOL TerSetPrinter(hWnd, device, driver, port, hInitDevMode)

TerSetPrintPreview: Allocate or deallocate print preview resources
BOOL TerSetPrintPreview(hWnd, begin)

TerSetReadOnly: Set Read Only status
BOOL TerSetReadOnly(hWnd, ReadOnly)

TerSetRowKeep: Set/reset the flag to keep a table row in one page.
BOOL TerSetRowKeep(hWnd, CellId, set, repaint)

TerSetRowTextFlow: Set the right-to-left/left-to-right text flow option for the table row.
BOOL TerSetRowTextFlow(hWnd, dialog, AllRows, TextFlow, refresh)

TerSetRtfDocInfo: Set the header information about the document.
BOOL TerSetRtfDocInfo(hWnd, type, text)

TerSetSearchString: Set the string for backward and forward search menu commands
BOOL TerSetSearchString(hWnd, SearchFor, CaseSensitive)

Set section parameters
BOOL TerSetSect(hWnd, NumCols, ColSpace, NewPage)
BOOL TerSetSect2(hWnd, NumCols,ColSpace,NewPage,FirstPageNo,FirstPageBin,NextPageBin)
BOOL TerSetSectEx(hWnd, NumCols, ColSpace, NewPage, FirstPageNo)

TerSetSectBorder: Set the page border for a section.
BOOL TerSetSectBorder(hWnd, sect, type, width, space, color, repaint)

TerSetSectOrient: Set the orientation for a section
BOOL TerSetSectOrient(hWnd, orient, repaint)

TerSetSectPageSize: Set the page size for a section
BOOL TerSetSectPageSize(hWnd, sect, PageSize, PageWidth, PageHeight)

TerSetSectTextFlow: Set the right-to-left/left-to-right text flow option for the section.
BOOL TerSetSectTextFlow(hWnd, sect, TextFlow, refresh)

TerSetStatusColor: Set the color status, ruler, and toolbar area around the text window.
BOOL TerSetStatusColor(hWnd, color, BkColor)

TerSetTab: Set a tab position
BOOL TerSetTab(hWnd, TabType, TabPos,TabLeader, repaint)

TerSetTag: Set a tag at the specified text position.
int TerSetTag(hWnd, line, col, name, AuxText, flags)

TerSetTableColWidth: Set the width of the table columns
BOOL TerSetTableColWidth(hWnd, width, repaint)

TerSetTableId:Set an id for a table.
BOOL TerSetTableId(hWnd, row, id)

TerSetTextCase: Set the case for the selected text.
BOOL TerSetTextCase(hWnd, upper, repaint)

TerSetFrameYBase: This function sets the vertical base position for a frame or a drawing objetc.
BOOL TerSetFrameYBase(hWnd, FrameId, base)

TerSetTextFieldInfo: Set new information for a textbox input field.
BOOL TerSetTextFieldInfo(hWnd, id, data, MaxChars, width, typeface,
TwipsSize, style)

TerSetUndoRef: Set or retrieve undo reference id.
BOOL TerSetUndoRef(hWnd, UndoRef)

TerSetWaveUnderline: Draw red wavy underline.
BOOL TerSetWaveUnderline(hWnd, LineNo, StartCol, EndCol, set, repaint)

TerSetWinBorder: Set the editor window border.
BOOL TerSetWinBorder(hWnd, BorderType)

TerSetWrapWidth: Set the wrap width
BOOL TerSetWrapWidth(hWnd, WidthChars, WidthTwips, repaint)

TerSetZoom: Set the zoom percentage
BOOL TerSetZoom(hWnd, ZoomPercent)

TerShrinkFontTable: Compress the font table cache
BOOL TerShrinkFontTable( )

TerSpellCheck: Invokes the spell checker.
BOOL TerSpellCheck(hWnd, StopAfterFirst, msg )

TerSpellCheckerPopped: Check if the spell checker selection menu is displayed.
BOOL TerSpellCheckerPopped(hWnd)

TerSplitMbcs: Split an MBCS string into lead and tail bytes.
long TerSplitMbcs(string, tail, lead)

TerString2Lparam: Copy text into lParam pointer from the given string.
long TerString2Lparam(text, Lparam)

TerTextPosToPix: Retrieve the pixel position of the text
BOOL TerTextPosToPix(hWnd, RelativeTo, line, col, x, y)

TerUpdateHyperlinkCode: Update the hyperlink url.
BOOL TerUpdateHyperlinkCode(hWnd, code)

TerUpdateHyperlinkText: Update the hyperlink text.
BOOL TerUpdateHyperlinkText(hWnd, text)

TerUpdateToolbar: Update toolbar.
BOOL TerUpdateToolbar(hWnd)

TerXlateControlId: Retrieve the picture id for a control id.
int TerXlate ControlId(hWnd, CtlId)
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